Nutrition is the one of the most important and underestimated factors when it comes down to endurance sports performance. Get your nutrition right and you could stand a chance of reaching a new personal best time but get it wrong and it will be a hard learned lesson of a day you will quickly want to forget. Nutrition for a race needs to planned and well thought out, tried and tested in training so that by the time race day arrives you will have a proper feeding plan you know works and is easy to adhere to.
At 32Gi we believe in first understanding your performance ability, your body’s capabilities and then selecting the appropriate fuelling plan for the big day. We break athletes down into two main groups. The first is a high performing athlete in other words an athlete that will run his race at a very high intensity. The second is an athlete that is going to run at an easier or what we term controlled pace. The reason we ask you to assess yourself is quite simple. The body is capable of providing energy to the muscles through compartmentalization sourcing. There are two main ways to fuel the body, either through natural carbohydrate or glycogen stores or fat stores. Both are utilized during a long hard session and at a very high pace glycogen will be used up at a faster rate whereas fat will not as it requires oxygen for the conversion process. When running at a very high pace oxygen is limited due to muscle requirements and very fast paced intense breathing to support this. If running at a controlled pace where breathing is controlled (Talk Test: You are able to converse a little) then you have the ability to utilize a fair amount of fat as fuel. In order to access fat as a primary source of fuel the body has to have a relatively lower insulin level and not be overloaded with glucose so type of pre-race meal and carb intake during will need to vary. Running a race at a nice comfortable controlled pace and overloading on carbohydrates which are not being used up sufficiently will just leave the athlete feeling uncomfortable, nauseas and eventually ill.
Below are two fuelling paths and a suggested combined fuelling path for your marathon. Always remember it’s you against your own clock not against the field always run to your ability if you are feeling great towards the end then push it further.
Suggested Fuelling
Days Leading up to the Race:
Always put an emphasis on clean unprocessed and more natural foods. Don’t overload the digestive system and ensure you consume foods which are nutrient dense to keep the immune system strong. Eat plenty of vegetables some fruit and stick to lean meats and healthy carbohydrates.
At 32Gi we don’t generally advocate loading the glycogen stores but upping the carbohydrate intake excessively. With reduced training volume before a race and consistent healthy eating your glycogen stores will top up naturally.
We do recommend consuming 32Gi Endure carbohydrate drink starting 2-3 days before an event. The carbohydrate intake is fairly low and due to keeping insulin levels very low it will reduce the risk of pre-race weight gain. The main benefit of this is it forces you to hydrate ensuring fluid uptake so hydration levels will be optimal on race day. Proper hydration pre-race is very important.
Night before the Race
Don’t not overeat. Rather consume a meal that’s easy on the digestive system which will ensure a good night’s sleep. Sleep is most critical before a race the breakfast meal the morning is an important one.
Race Day Breakfast
The pre-race meal is a very important one especially before a marathon. It must never be skipped. At 32Gi we will always advocate natural food over supplementation wherever possible. Try to consume a meal of around at least 300 – 400 Calories consisting of carbohydrates, fat (preferably MCT’s such as coconut oil) and protein to provide balance on not excessive blood glucose spiking. The meal should be consumed a minimum of 2 hours before the event.
If you battle to eat in the morning try making a shake with sufficient nutrients to fuel you for your event.
32Gi Pre Race Meal Shake Suggestion (Blend the below cold or hot) 2 or 3 x scoops of 32Gi Recover (Choc, Vanilla or Strawberry) ½ banana or half a cup of berries (blueberries, raspberries, cranberries or strawberries) 1 x teaspoon nut butter (almond, cashew, macadamia) 1 x teaspoon cinnamon 300ml Coconut Milk (or another milk, coconut has medium chain triglycerides) if you use another milk add a tbsp. of coconut oil
What Kind of Athlete Are You?
High Performing Athlete This type of athlete is one that will run at a high intensity for the majority of the race. Breathing is restricted due to intense breathing meaning airways need to be constantly open and comfort and convenience of fuelling need to be taken into account.
Pre-Race Start Suggestions:
15 min pre-race 32Gi Sports Gel (this is if you are going out hard) or 30 min pre-race 1 or 2 x 32Gi Sports Chew blocks (this is if you are going out comfortably)
During the Race
Consume a 32Gi Sports Gel at least every 45minutes or Consume a 32Gi 1-2 Race Tab’s every 20minutes
Always remember to hydrate to thirst. If you are utilizing the race tabs it’s always best to time them with fluid intake to ensure hydration assistance.
Controlled Pace Athlete
Pre-Race Start Suggestions:
30 min pre-race 1 or 2 x 32Gi Sports Chew blocks (this is if you are going out comfortably)
During the Race
Consume a 32Gi Sports Chew Block at least every 30min or Consume a 32Gi Endure Tab’s 1-2 every 20minutes or Consume a 32Gi Foodbar 1/3 every 30minutes.
(The above formula can be mixed together so you are able to vary product intake based on time)
Always remember to hydrate to thirst. If you are utilizing the race tabs it’s always best to time them with fluid intake to ensure hydration assistance.
Combination Athlete
This is an athlete that will start out easy and build a pace to finish off hard and fast
Pre-Race Start Suggestions:
30 min pre-race 1 or 2 x 32Gi Sports Chew blocks (this is if you are going out comfortably)
During the Race
Consume a 32Gi Sports Chew Block at least every 30min or Consume a 32Gi Endure Tab’s 1-2 every 20minutes
At Halfway or as you decide to pick up pace
1 x 32Gi Sports Gel every 45minutes Always remember to hydrate to thirst. If you are utilizing the race tabs it’s always best to time them with fluid intake to ensure hydration assistance. Marathon Chart Suggested Fuelling